Pattern: Country

“Country” is one of the patterns that you can select on the Match panel. Use this pattern to make a field match a country code or country name as defined in the ISO 3166 standard. You can restrict the field to the codes or names of specific countries.

Two-Letter Codes

Make the field match two-letter country codes as defined by ISO 3166.

English Names

Make the field match English country names as defined by ISO 3166.

French Names

Make the field match French country names as defined by ISO 3166.

Make Suffixes Optional

Many of the country names in the ISO 3166 standard have suffixes, such as "IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF".

If you turn on this option, the field matches the country name with or without the suffix. E.g. both "IRAN" and "IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF" are accepted.

If you turn off this option, the field matches the country names only as listed in ISO 3166. E.g. only "IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF" is accepted.

Country Groups

Use this list to quickly select or deselect certain groups of countries. The checkboxes in this list list are automatically updated when you select or deselect individual countries.


Select the countries of which this field should match the codes and/or names. Selecting none of the countries is the same as selecting all the countries.
