Match Panel Reference
The Match panel is the place where you tell RegexMagic which parts of the text you want your regular expression to match, and what that text should look like or which patterns that text should fit. Together, the Samples, Match, and Action panels define a RegexMagic formula to generate a regular expression, and possibly a replacement text.
In the default layout, the Match panel shares the top left tab with the Samples and Action panels. Depending on which panel you last used, that tab will say “Samples, Match” or “Samples, Action”. Click that tab, and then on the Match tab inside it, to activate the Match panel in the default layout. In the side by side layout, the Match and Action panels are combined into one tab labeled “Match, Action”. Clicking that tab shows both panels. In the dual monitor tabbed layout, the Match panel has its own tab in RegexMagic’s main window. In the dual monitor side by side layout, the Match panel is always visible in the main window.
Press Alt+3 on the keyboard to move keyboard focus to the Match panel, and to make it visible if it was hidden. Or, select the Match item in the View menu. You can access that menu by the View button on the Assistant panel, and by right-clicking on the caption or tab of any panel in RegexMagic.

Build Up Your Regular Expression
There are two ways to build up a regular expression in RegexMagic. One way is to mark fields on the Samples panel. The other way is to add fields on the Match panel using the row of 12 buttons. These 12 buttons operate on or relative to the selected field. The colored rectangle to the left of the 12 buttons indicates the selected field. In the large screen shot above, field
is selected. To select another field, click on the colored rectangle to the left of the field’s “kind of field” drop-down list. Clicking on field
, for example, changes the row of buttons to this:

Different buttons are now enabled. Their glyphs have changed to indicate that they now operate on or relative to field
instead of field
. The function of each of the 12 buttons is always the same. The examples given in the explanation assume you have six fields on the Match pattern as shown in the above screen shot. When an explanation for the same button has multiple examples, all the examples start from the original six fields. There are no consecutive examples. It will help to understand the explanations if you have already tried the examples that use pattern fields, sequence fields, and alternation fields.
- Add Prior Field: Adds a new field before the selected field. With field
adds a new field between fields
. The new field will get number
. The old fields
will have their numbers shifted by one to
. If you did not yet add any fields then this button appears as
. Clicking it adds the first field. - Add Next Field: Adds a new field after the selected field. If the selected field is an alternation or sequence field, the new field is added after the entire alternation or sequence. With field
adds a new field
. The new field will be part of the alternation under field
, just like field
. The new field will not be part of the sequence under field
. The old field
will have its number shifted to
. - Add First Sub-Field: Adds the first field to an alternation or sequence. This button is disabled when a pattern field is selected. With field
adds a new field
. The new field becomes the first field in the sequence under field
, just like the old field
. The old fields
will have their numbers incremented by one. - Add Last Sub-Field: Adds a field to the end of an alternation or sequence. This button is disabled when a pattern field is selected. With field
adds a new field
. The new field becomes the first field in the sequence under field
, just like the old field
. The old fields
will have their numbers incremented by one. - Move Field Up: Moves the selected field one position upwards. Essentially, the selected field swaps positions with the field before it. If those fields are alternation or sequence fields, the fields under them move along with them. With field
moves the whole sequence
upwards, changing their numbers to
. The original field
ends up below (but not part of) the sequence with its number changed to
. With field
moves field
up and over field
. Field
has its number changed to
, and fields
have their numbers changed to
. This button is always disabled for field
. It is also disabled for all fields that are the first field under an alternation or sequence field. In the example, it is disabled for fields
. - Move Field Down: Moves the selected field one position downwards. This button is the exact reverse of the Move Field Up button. The selected field swaps positions with the field after it. If those fields are alternation or sequence fields, the fields under them move along with them. With field
does exactly the same as what
does with field
selected. With field
does exactly the same as what
does with field
selected. This button is disabled for all fields that are the last field under an alternation or sequence field. In the example, it is disabled for fields
, and
. - Move Field Left: Moves the selected field out of an alternation or sequence if it is the first or last field in an alternation or sequence. If the selected field is an alternation or sequence itself, then all the fields under the selected field are moved along with it. If the field you moved to the left was the only field in the alternation or sequence, then the alternation or sequence field is automatically deleted. With field
selected in the example,
puts field
above field
. The numbers of these two fields will be swapped. With field
selected as in the screen shot,
moves that field to the left so it is no longer part of the alternation under field
. - Move Field Right: Moves the selected field into an alternation or sequence if the field that precedes it at the same level is an alternation or sequence field. In the example, is enabled only when field
is selected. Then
moves field
into the sequence under field
that precedes it. It will be the last field in the sequence and will keep its number. If field
were an alternation or sequence field too, then all the fields under it would move along with it. - Move Field Right and Down: Moves the selected field into an alternation or sequence if the field that follows it is an alternation or sequence field. In the example, is enabled only when field
is selected. Then
moves field
into the sequence under field
that precedes it. It will be the first field in the sequence. The numbers of fields
will be swapped. Fields
will remain a part of the sequence. If field
were an alternation or sequence field too, then all the fields under it would move along with it, and their numbers would be shifted accordingly. - Delete One Field: Deletes a single field. If the selected field is an alternation or sequence field, then the fields under it are not deleted. If the selected field is a pattern field and it is the only field inside an alternation or sequence, then the alternation or sequence field is automatically deleted along with its only pattern. When field
is selected in the example,
deletes only field
. Fields
are automatically moved to the left into the alternation under field
. Fields
will have their field numbers decremented by one. - Delete List of Fields: Deletes an alternation or sequence field along with all fields under it. If the deleted field was the only field inside another alternation or sequence, then the other alternation or sequence is automatically deleted along with it. When field
is selected in the example,
deletes fields
. Field
will be renumbered to
. - Delete All Fields: Deletes all the fields on the Match panel.
deletes all the fields in the example. Because “begin/end regex match at” are set to “start/end of line”, this would leave you with a regular expression that matches only blank lines.
Begin Regex Match At
Specify at which position(s) in the text the regular expression match(es) may begin.
- Anywhere: Allow the regular expression match to begin anywhere in the text.
- Start of text: The regular expression match must begin at the start of the text. The regular expression can never find more than one match in a single input text.
- Start of line: If the text consists of multiple lines, the regular expression match can begin at the start of each line. For single-line texts, the match can only begin at the start of the text.
- Start of word: The regular expression match can begin at the start of any of the words in the text. A "word" is a string of one or more characters that are letters, digits, and/or underscores.
- Start of attempt: The regular expression match must begin at the start of the match attempt which is at the start of the text for the first match and at the end of the previous match for all following matches. All matches found by the regular expression, will be adjacent to each other and to the start of the input text.
To make the regular expression begin with something else, such as a certain word, select "anywhere" as the starting position. Then select the text at which the regular expression should begin in the sample text, and click button
above the sample text to mark it as the first field.
End Regex Match At
Specify at which position(s) in the text the regular expression match(es) must end.
- Anywhere: Allow the regular expression match to end anywhere in the text. It's best to use this setting until you are done adding all the fields to your regular expression. You can better follow your progress if you allow the partly built regular expression to match part of the line or text, even if the final regex has to match the line or text entirely.
- End of text: The regular expression match must end at the end of the text. The regular expression can never find more than one match in a single input text.
- End of line: If the text consists of multiple lines, the regular expression match must end at the end of a line. For single-line texts, the match must end at the end of the text.
- End of word: The regular expression must end at the end of any of the words in the text. A "word" is a string of one or more characters that are letters, digits, and/or underscores.
Settings for Each Field
Kind of Field
Select what kind of field you want to add to the regular expression here.
- Pattern: Match a special pattern that RegexMagic can generate for you, such as a number in a range, a date, or an email address.
- Alternation: Add a list of fields under this field, and match a single one of those.
- Sequence: Add a list of fields under this field, and match all of those, one after the other. Use a sequence field inside an alternation field if you want to use multiple fields to specify one of the alternatives.
If you change a pattern field to become an alternation or sequence field, then one field is added to the alternation or sequence. The new field will use the same pattern with the same settings that the changed field used.
If you change an alternation field or sequence field to become a pattern field, then it will use the pattern from the first pattern field inside the alternation or sequence. All fields that were inside the alternation or sequence will be deleted.
Repeat This Field
Specify how many times this field can or should be repeated.
Use the left hand spinner box to set the minimum number of times the field should be matched. If you set the minimum to zero, the field becomes optional.
Use the right hand spinner box to set the maximum number of times the field can be repeated. If you don't want to specify a specific upper limit, tick the "unlimited" checkbox.
Repeating a pattern field allows the pattern to be matched multiple times, and find a different match each time. If your field has a pattern that matches any single letter, and you repeat that field 3 times, then your regular expression can match ABC, XYZ, or any other 3-letter combination.
Repeating an alternation repeats the alternation as a whole. A different field from the alternation can match with each repetition. If you have an alternation with 3 fields that match A, B, and C, then repeating that alternation 4 times allows your regular expression to match AAAA, ABCA, BCAA, or any other 4-letter combination of A, B, and/or C.
Repeating a sequence repeats the sequence as a whole. If you have a sequence with 3 fields that match A, B, and C, then repeating that sequence 4 times makes your regex search for ABCABCABCABC.
How to Repeat This Field
Choose in which way you want the field to be repeated.
- As many times as possible: Try to repeat the field as many times as possible. Reduce the number of repetitions only when required to allow the remainder of the regular expression to match.
- As few times as possible: Repeat the field only the minimum number of times required. Continue repeating the field only when required to allow the remainder of the regular expression to match.
Patterns for The Fields in The Regular Expression
For each field listed on the Match panel as a “pattern” field, you can select which pattern the field should have. The pattern specifies what kind of text the field should match: a date, a number, an email address, etc. All the patterns provide various options to restrict the acceptable values. E.g. the “number” pattern allows you to limit the numbers your regex will match to a certain range, require or disallow decimals, etc.
In the screen shot of the Match panel, the “basic characters” pattern was selected for field
, the “number” pattern was selected for field
, the “date and time” pattern for field
, and the “national ID” pattern for field
. Field
is selected in the “select field” drop-down list, allowing its pattern to be edited. The “pattern to match field” drop-down list is always present, allowing you to choose a completely different pattern for that field. Below that list you can configure the pattern. For the “national ID” pattern, there is only one drop-down list labeled “kind of ID” that allows you to choose a particular national ID such as a US social security number.
To edit the pattern of another field, use the “select field” drop-down list. Only pattern fields appear in this list. You can also click on the colored squares to the left of the settings for each pattern field to edit that field’s pattern. Clicking the colored square of an alternation or sequence selects the pattern of the first pattern field inside the alternation or sequence.
- Pattern used by another field: Use the same pattern as another field, but allow the two fields to match different text, as long as it fits the pattern.
- Text matched by another field: Require this field to match the exact same text already matched by a previous field.
- Match anything: Do not use any pattern to restrict the contents of the field.
- Unicode characters: Restrict this field to certain kinds of Unicode characters.
- Basic characters: Restrict this field to certain ASCII characters.
- Character masks: Require this field to match one of a list of simple character masks.
- List of literal text: Require this field to match one of a list of literal text values.
- Literal text: Make this field always match the same bit of text.
- Number: Match floating point numbers or monetary values.
- Integer: Match integer numbers in decimal, hexadecimal, octal and/or binary notation.
- Date and time: Match a date and/or a time.
- Email address: Match an email address.
- URL: Match an Internet address.
- Country: Country codes and/or names (ISO 3166).
- Currency: Currency codes (ISO 4217).
- Credit card number: Match a credit card number.
- National ID: ID card numbers, social security numbers, license plate numbers, etc. used in particular countries.
- VAT number: Value Added Tax numbers used in the European Union.
- GUID: Globally Unique Identifier.
- Regular expression: Use an arbitrary regular expression to validate this field.
Overall Options for Generating The Regular Expression
Field Validation Mode
When creating a regular expression, there is always a trade-off between, on one hand, making the regular expression match exactly what you want but not what you don't want, and on the other hand, keeping the regular expression fast and simple. If you know the data to be valid, you can use a fast and loose regex. If some of the data may be invalid, and you can't use programming logic to filter the regex matches, a strict and complex regex may be appropriate.
In RegexMagic, the field validation mode determines how tightly the generated regular expression will correspond with the patterns that you have configured for each of the fields.
- Strict: Restrict the fields to exactly what you have specified. This option generally yields long and complex regular expressions that may exceed the capabilities of more limited regex flavors. Use this option only if the regular expression is the only means to filter the input.
- Average: Restrict the fields to the validation patterns that you specified as much as possible, as long as it doesn't require a very long and complex regular expression. Use this mode when the strict regex is too slow or too long.
- Loose: Create a straightforward regular expression that checks if the fields roughly correspond with the validation patterns. Only obviously invalid fields will be filtered out by the regular expression. This is generally the best choice when programming, as it will yield a fast and compact regular expression. Additional programming logic will be more efficient at filtering the actual regex matches as needed.
- None: Use a single character class for each field. This mode does not really validate any fields, but the character classes will make the regex fail faster on data that doesn't fit the overall structure at all. This is the best option if you know that all your data is valid, and you need the regex to grab it.
The exact effects of these four modes are indicated in the RegexMagic Assistant's hints for each of the various settings you can make for each of the patterns. If an option's does not indicate that it works differently for any of the modes, that means the Strict, Average, and Loose modes all respect the option strictly. Since the None mode always builds just one character class per field, that is not specifically indicated in the hints.